Writers Plot Bookshop

Writers Plot Bookshop

A unique independent bookshop specialising in New Zealand authors for discerning readers everywhere.

Winners of the Art & Culture award at the 2022 Wellington Airport Regional Community Awards for Upper Hutt

New arrivals

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What do we stock?

Books from independent NZ authors that are either published in New Zealand or overseas and some self published work.
Books from independent small and medium NZ publishers.
We define a New Zealand author as one who was born in New Zealand or one who now makes New Zealand their home.
See more about the bookshop on the About us page.
Browse through the online bookshop and find your new favourite author.

First contacts: The early Pacific and European accounts of Abel Tasman’s 1642 voyage by Rudiger Mack

Rudi Mack from Tinakori Books, Eastbourne, Lower Hutt has a book project in the pipeline, and is currently looking for support and backing to get the book published.
In terms of European accounts of Tasman’s voyage, this book draws on previously untranslated sources in the Dutch, French, German and Italian languages.
Summary of the book: A new look at the earliest Māori, Tongan and European accounts of Abel Tasman’s 1642 voyage offers a fresh perspective and comes up with some surprising results.

The platform Boosted, is run by the Arts Foundation and donors can claim back 33% tax for their donation.
Find out more about the project on the Boosted website.


“One goal that is important to me personally is to make a contribution to a deeper understanding of our shared Māori and Pakeha history. I have previously published six articles on the early contact period in Aotearoa, particularly on Tasman’s visit in 1642, but now I have so much new and exciting material that it should be published as a book.”


We look back over the past seven years

Wander down memory lane of seven years in Upper Hutt with our videos on Youtube.
Reminisce about the little shop that supported NZ authors and the staff that loved chatting with the customer - a photo collage from the shop - https://youtu.be/Fxhqw4jBF0s
Meet some of the authors who have visited us in the shop over the years - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB4gUYj_yNo

Read more about the shop moving from a physical shop to fully on-line in the ‘About us‘ page.

Book reviews

Caro has an occasional half-hour book review slot, 11 am Saturdays on Hutt City FM 106.7 radio station – The Hutt Weekender show with Craig & Lisa, Saturdays 8 am - 12 noon.

Next session on the radio will be advertised on our facebook page.
Listen via online streaming at huttcityfm.co.nz

Read the reviews on our blog.

Bookclub Reading Challenges image

Challenge yourself with the reading challenges on our Bookclub page.

Writing groups

Interested in writing? Love to write? Need some inspiration or motivation?
Upper Hutt has two weekend writing groups that meet once a month

Upper Hutt Writes @ the Library
Next meeting: Saturday 17 June 2023
Time: 11 am to 12.30 pm
Venue: Upper Hutt Library, 844 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt.

The Bridge Writers Group
Next meeting: Saturday 17 June 2023
Time: 10 am
Venue: Silverspoon Cafe, Silverstream, Upper Hutt
Meetup link - https://www.meetup.com/the-bridge-writers-group/


The latest newsletter has gone out this week.

You can read past issues of our Writers Plot newsletter online.

Sign up to receive our newsletter with the latest news from the shop, straight to your inbox.

Bestsellers for 2022

Picture Books for 2022

Best sellers for 2022

Crime and Thriller

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view more Romance


view more Children

Young Adult

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view more Fantasy

Science Fiction

view more Science Fiction

Historical Fiction

view more Historical Fiction

Contemporary Fiction

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Action & Adventure

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view more Non-fiction

We support

Wairarapa Word
Register with Wairarapa Word on Facebook to join.
Hosted by Almo’s Books, High St, Carterton.
Supported by Carterton District Creative Communities Scheme.

StorySoup - A Story Telling Prompt Generator
Hamish, one of our writing group members, has been working on this for several years and has now launched it into the world. StorySoup is a simple application that suggests basic story components you may like to use to create a story. Our writing group has used it when looking for inspiration for our writing challenges. Hamish has released StorySoup for free. Find out more and how to download it on the official StorySoup page.

Hutt City FM 106.7 Community Radio Station
You can live stream the radio from their Facebook page or the Hutt City FM 106.7 website. We often give book reviews on Lisa Yung and Craig Wade’s Saturday morning magazine show. We will post times and books reviewed on the Facebook pages.

Liberty Books
Address: 90 Main Street, CBD Towers, Upper Hutt, 5018.
: (04) 528 5001
If you are looking for second-hand books - we support and recommend Liberty Books. If you can’t find what you are looking for, just ask the owner, Rhys. He’s amazing and has a great idea of what he has in the shop and where it is.